MEDICINAL HERBS Our enterprise cultivates : GINSENG (PANAX GINSENG C.A. MEY) SCHIZANDRA (SCHIZANDRA CHINENSIS BAILL) ELEUTHEROCOCCUS (ELEUTHEROCOCCUS SENTICOSUS MAXIM) CONE FLROWER (ECHINACEAE PURPUREA MOENCH) LEUSEA SAFFLOWER (RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES W.) ST.-JOHN’S-WORT (HYPERICUM PERFORATUM L.) POT MARIGOLD (CALENDULA OFFICINALES L.) GIANT HYSSOP (LOPHANTUS ADANS C.) CINNAMON ROSE (ROSA CINNAMOMEA L.) LEMOM-BALM (MELISSA OFFICINALIS L.) MARJORAM (ORIGANUM VULGARE L.) CATMINT (NEPETA CATARIA L.) VALERIAN (VALERIANA OFFICINALIS L.) ELECAMPANE (INULA HELENIUM L.) JACOB’S LADDER (POLEMONIUM COERULEUM L.) There is more than 100 types of various medicinal plants in collections of our nursery. The medicinal characteristics of these herbs are presently been analysed by us. If required we can remove them to the plantations for production and processing in industrial purposes. MEDICINAL HERBS DESCRIPTION : PANAX GINSENG C.A. MEY They use roots with rhizomes in medicine, stalks, leaves. The roots of ginseng contain specific glycosides, essential oil, fat oil, sugar, pectin, mucilages, resins, group B vitamins, microelements. High percentage of panaxoids and flavonoids has been detected in leaves. Ginseng preparations possess adaptiogenic effect, they raise resistance to uncongenial influence of extremal temperature, radiation, toxication. They stimulate haematogenesis and sex gland act, normalize arterial pressure, decrease sugar contents in blood, remove tierces, depression, headache. It is used for treatment of nervous breakdown, impotence, sugar diabetes, radiation sickness, heart diseases. It is successfully used as a facility for life prolonging, power restoring, freshness and ability to work. SCHIZANDRA CHINENSIS BAILL They apply fruits and seed for medical purposes, in rare cases leaves and shoots are used. Fruits contain sugar, tannic materials, pigments, fat and organic acids, essential oils, vitamins, microelements, as well as schiysandrine, a join wich conditions high biological activity of a plant. Fruits and seed tinctures and infusions, tea of leaves with additives of cortex and roots are used in Far East medicine from the old times. They stimulate the central nervious system, raise mental and physical ability, improve sight, possess adaptiogenic and antitoxic effect. The shizandra Chinese is taken for treatment of pneumonia, asthenia, nervous breakdown and depression, hypotonia and heart failure. The fruits are used as ingredients in cosmetic and confectionery production. Juice of berries is used as an ingredient for the serie of invigorant alcohol - free drinks. ELEUTHEROCOCCUS SENTICOSUS MAXIM The roots of eleutherococcus are procured mainly for medicinal purposes. They contain the group of specific glycosides, which are called eleutherosides, flavonoids, resins, coumarins, fat and essential oil, gum, alkaloids. Eleutherococcus root preparations are used as ginseng equivalent in tinctures, decocts, fluid extracts. They are classified to the group of adaptiogens, which raise the organism resistance to various negative factors : physical, chemical, biological and psychological. The preparations stimulate physical and mental ability, raise the organism resistance at various kinds of sicknesses, poisoning, irradiation. They stimulate central nerve system, sex glands activities, decrease sugar and cholesterine level in blood, improve appetite, sharpen sight and hearing.. ECHINACEAE PURPUREA MOENCH Actually all the parts of fresh or dried plant are used as a medicinal row. However the root contains the most quantity of working substances. They are phenic acid, inulin, glucose, levulase, ethereal and fat butter. All plant is rich by oxidase and peroxidase ferments. This herb preparations are able to mobilize protective resources of the human organism. The cone flower is applied as an antiphlogistic remedy for abscesses, carbuncles, festering wounds and blood poisoning. Fresh racemes accelerates blood coagulation and promotes wounds healing. This herb preparation helps at treatment of burns, heavy bed-sores, prostate diseases, viral infections. The fresh cone flower extract raises up the activity of leukocytes. Due to this length of diseases can be shortened and disease symptoms can be weakened. RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES W. The leusea rhizome is used for medical purposes. It contains alkaloids, organic acids, essential oil, resins, tannic substances and dyestuffs, vitamins. The leusea preparations (fluid extract is especially wide-spread) stimulate central nerve system, raise blood pressure, intensify systole, raise ability to work at tired skeleton muscles. The leusea preparations are used in medicine for raising organism tones at general break-down of mental and physical ability, impotence. They are mostly effective at low-grade asthenia with increased weariness, grumps, petulance, decreased appetite, decreased sexual activity, HYPERICUM PERFORATUM L. The St.-John’s-wort herb is used for medicinal purposes. It contains various biologically active compounds, such as dyestuffs, fluorescent, resinous and tannic substances, flavonoids, carotene, essential oil, choline, saponin, ascorbic acid and the series of other compounds. Medicines on the base of the st.-John’s-wort herb are used due to astringent, disinfecting, antiphlogistic and fibres regeneration, facility stimulating at diseases of gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract and rheumatism, as well as for stomatitis prophylactics and treatment. As well they are used for treatment of wounds, cankers, burns, abscesses and furuncles CALENDULA OFFICINALES L. The floral baskets are used in medical purposes. They contains the greater amount of various carotenoids. Except them resins, glykosides, alkaloids, mucous and bitter substances, organic acids have been revealled, In medical praxis the pot marigold tincture is widely used, the unguents and emulsions are used more seldom. The herb is taken externally and iteriorly due to its antiseptic, antiphlogistic and woundregenerative action. The pot marigold preparations are widely used in stomatology at variuos mouth cavity diseases. It demonstrates high efficiency at treatment of small wounds, cuts, bruises, frostbites, burns, furuncles and etc. It is successfully used in gastroenterology as an antispasmodic and cholagogue remedy. It renders soft becalming action, reduces the arterial pressure and promotes the normalizations of heart function. LOPHANTUS ADANS C. The giant hyssop regulates at metabolism, reduces and normalizes the blood pressure, cleans the blood. The giant hyssop rhizome are used as a stimulating remedy, which reminds ginseng by its action. The giant hyssop is beloved herb of North American Indians. They use it for treatment of catarrhal diseases and for aromatization of drinks. The tincture is used interiorly and exteriorly at paralysis, paresis, limbs flutter, as well as at gastritises, function frustration of gastrointestinal tract and hepetitis. The leaves and racemes aromatize tea. They are added as a seasoning to salads, meat and fish plats. But most of all this herb is valuable for essential oil with anise and fennel scent, which possesses high bactericidal characteristics. ROSA CINNAMOMEA L. Special importance is spared to the fruits of wild rose, which contain the whole complex of biologically active substances. Sugar, pectins, tannic substances, organic acids, flavonoids, a broad spectrum of vitamins (first of all the record contents of ascorbic acid) have been desorbed. They are used as a base for tinctures, decocts, extracts, fluid extracts, syrups, tablets, powders and other. Due to the presence of big amount of vitamins and other biologically active substances, the wild rose fruits and its preparations are used for the profilactics and treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis. It is widely used for fortification of food in baby institutions and hospitals. The wild rose preparations are recommended at pang and chronic infections, at diseases of buds, livers, peptic ulcer of intenctines, hemophilias, bleedings. they give good results for sick patients after serious traumas and operations. High efficiency of the preparations is revealled for regulation of normal level of sugar and cholesterine in blood. MELISSA OFFICINALIS L. In medicinal purposes they use the leaves of lemon-balm They contain: essential oil, vitamins, carotene, tannic substances, resins, organic acids. The essential oil is mostly interesting among various compounds, which present in the herb. This essential oil is highly valued in perfumery, pharmacologies and food industry. Citral is the main fragrant substance of lemon-balm. The lemon-balm tincture and decoct possess antiphlogistic, sudoriferous, diuretic, and light purgative action. They stimulate the appetite, perfect activity of organs of digestion and cardiovascular system. It is used as an exterior remedy for treatment of different sort of skin diseases and metabolism improvement. ORIGANUM VULGARE L. The marjoram herb for medical purposes is spared as a mix of leaves and flowers. The essential oil, flavonoids, tannic substances, fat oil, ascorbic acid, number of other volatile compounds. The marjoram preparations possess the antiphlogistic, bactericidal, pain-relieving, diuretic, cholagogue, coughing up and becalming characteristics. They are used apart and in complex with other preparations at breaches of central nerve system functions, and at diseases of gastrointestinal tract, livers, bronchitises, pneumonia, bronchial asthma. The marjoram extract is used exteriorly at eczema, diathesis and pustular skin diseases. NEPETA CATARIA L. The catmint is valued for the big contents of multicomponent essential oil, in which the geraniums, rose and lemon aromas combine. Bitter substances, glykosides, tannin, saponin, microelements have been also allocated in the herb. In public medicine catmint is used at bronchial asthma, difficulty in breathing, gastritis, neurosises, anemia, qatar of stomach, convulsive cough, as an appetite stimulator, against retching during pregnancy. It is a good dehelmintization remedy, water extract is successfully used for fight with bad insects. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS L. The valerian root is used in medical praxis. Essential oil, alkaloids, tannic substances, saponin, organic acids, sugar, glykosides, resins, microelerments has been detected in the herb. The valerian preparations possess many-sided influence on the organism. First of all it renders becalm onto central nerve system, regulates heart function, possess cholagogue and antispamodic characteristics. It is widely used at treatment of diseases, which are accompanied by nervious excitement, at insomnia, hysterias, neurosises of cardiovascular system. INULA HELENIUM L. The roots and rhizomes of elecampane, which are called “elecampane root” , are used for medicinal purposes. They contain essential oil, polysaccharides, saponin, resins, gum, mucilage, vitamins, pigment, alkaloids. The elecampane root preparations possess the many-sided action on the human organism as coughing up, diuretic, cholagogue, antiphlogistic and bactericidal characteristics. The tinctures and decocts of the herb are used at gastritis, secretory hypofunction and gastric ulcer, diarrhoea, diseases of liver and duodenum. They are recommended to use at various diseases of upper respiratory ways. Powder and unguents on the elecampane root base are used at various diseases of skin. POLEMONIUM COERULEUM L. The herb contains saponins, which are dissolved in water and alcohol, specific glycosides, resinous substances, essential and fat oil. The Jacob’s ladder preparations are used at chronic and pang bronchitises, tuberculosis of peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum. They are widely used at various nervious and psychic diseases as a becalming remedy. The sedative effect is much more denominated in comparison with ginseng, the one is more famous. Jacob’s ladder is mostly often used in decocts and tinctures, more seldom in extracts. |
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